Additional Information

Photo Organization

Rounds Imaging Services LLC provides Photo Organization or DAM (Digital Asset Management) services designed to help take control of your family photo collection. Every family has a photographic history often with photographs that span many generations. It's important to preserve these precious photos and integrate them into a digital family archive. These old family photos tell unique stories that can help future generations know and appreciate their history. Rounds Imaging provides web based collaboration tools that allow you answer the critically important Who, What, When and Where questions and permanently store this metadata in your images.

Managing the flood of images produced today is a difficult task. Digital photography provides organizational tools that can help manage your family historical photo record including digital images scanned from slides and photos. Not all our images are worth saving. It's important to find the keepers, preserve them and weave them into the family history. A critical part of this process involves writing identifying information directly into your digital images. This process permanently stores important information including ratings in the metadata of each image, much like writing on the back of a photographic print. Often identifying photos requires collaboration with friends and relatives. Rounds Imaging provides a safe, secure and simple collaboration service to help collect the details from those who can help regardless of where they are in the world.

Preparing your photos for cataloging software is the critical value added service provided by Rounds Imaging. When your images are properly annotated with dates, keywords and descriptions you enhance and protect your family photographic history. When this information is embedded in your photos they become independent of your current organizing software. Rounds Imaging provides the consultation services and tools to ensure your family photos remain relevant in the years to come.

Photo and Film Scanning

Rounds Imaging Services LLC provides digital scanning of printed photos, color slides, documents, color and black and white negative film in sizes up to 8x10. Work is performed on site using high speed photo and document scanners, flatbed scanners and camera scanners. We provide the correct way to archive and share your precious memories and slide collections. For fragile documents or photos we offer "touchless" on site camera scanning and digital processing.

Metadata Collection and Collaboration

Regardless of where your images have been digitized we can provide a secure client area to view your photos and add keywords and descriptions. Each customer account includes a private area where your images can be organized into albums and viewed online. Access to the albums in your account can be password protected, access code protected or open, depending on your needs.